
Tired of wasting countless hours digging through your DMS in order to find reports, only to discover the data you're looking for either isn't there or is inaccurate? Our Performance Reporting Platform easily and automatically provides a full suite of reports for you and your organization.

Data Updates Near real time info

The DealerOps Platform updates your automotive group or dealership's data as fast as every 15 minutes throughout the day. Your reports and employee notes will always be up to date.

Accessible Anywhere From any device

Access the full suite of DealerOps reports and applications on your PC, tablet, or cell phone. Stay in the loop even if you're out of the office; take DealerOps with you wherever you have internet access.

Web Security Lock down your data

Controlled user access allows you to manage users based on their role in your organization. Limit accessibility to the core information your team needs to know in order to improve their productivity based on these roles.

Custom Subscriptions Data delivered

Schedule reports in a variety of formats to be sent directly to your team members' inboxes; ensuring that they receive the information they need to know on a regular basis.

Detailed title tracking

Track your process from start to finish

  • Most fields automatically completed by your DMS
  • Update your title's status through the titling process
  • Compatible with mixed-DMS environments

Outstanding titles report

Quick overview of all titles that are currently in process

  • View outstanding or received titles at a glance
  • Employees can add notes that can be viewed by everyone
  • Separate sections for different aspects of the titling process